Equipoise 300 – Lab Tested !


Brand: Intex Pharma
Product Name: EQ 300
Per 1ml Contains:
Boldenone Undecylenate 300mg
10ml Vial

UK EU Rapid Gains with Equipoise


Intex Pharma : EQ300
Per 1ml Contains:
Boldenone Undecylenate 300mg
10ml Vial

This is Genuine Boldenone at 300mg not like other brands that claim 300 and have less than 100 per ml
Intex are a brand that dose correclty and as the old school users know Equipoise/Boldenone used to work in just 50mg per ml 50ml Vials
and at 50mg of genuine it worked amazinglyΒ  –  so expect awesome gains off this see the picture below of one of the orignal Ganabol that was 50mg per ml

so at 300mg of genuine EQ this is really potent and genuine by Intex